Sunday, July 18, 2010

Video Games and Weight Loss

At at time in history when American people, especially children, seem to be heavier and more sedentary than ever, the Nintendo Game Company may have come up with a solution. In 2007 Nintendo introduced an exercise game for its newest game system, the Wii. The Wii Fit game offers aerobics, yoga, strength training and balance all in the privacy of your own home from your own TV. Altho I don't own a system, I have had the opportunity to play. I bowled, played golf, tennis and boxing. My opinion is that the Wii Fit is a good way to jumpstart an exercise program. It is fun and challenging for beginners. Although it will probably never take the place of a good gym workout or a run in the park, I found it to be a very good use of technology in physical activity.

Here are a couple of good online articles on weight loss and the Wii game.

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